Echezona Victoria
My name is Echezona Victoria Onubuogu. An Igbo indigene of Orsu Local Government Area of Imo state.
I write Social media posts and SEO articles for Blogs, individuals and companies alike.
I am the right person to do research and write 100% free plagiarism articles for your Blog.
I am a Personal Development content writer, Mental Health Advocate, Growth Enthusiast and Accountability Coach. I share real-life experiences to motivate, inspire and help individuals in similar situations.
Humanitarian services have always been part of me right from childhood. And as someone passionate about the welfare of others, I want to render as much help as I can to humanity, spread love, give hope and urge individuals to become a better version of themselves.
This is the reason, I wrote my first book, "OVERCOMING SELF CHALLENGES. MY JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE." Which would be launched on the 14th of January, 2023.
If I'm not writing, I am found teaching people the Igbo language. I teach individuals who are willing to learn how to write and speak Igbo fluently. I don't just teach you the Igbo language, I teach with the use of Central Igbo, which is generally accepted.
I can help you optimise your Facebook account and page. Build your Brand, business or personal page organically.
You can also learn a lot from my social media platforms, where I share inspiring and educational content for your self-growth.
I look forward to working with you, on your Brand and your Blog.
Cheers to Growth!
Below are samples of my work.
Picture your dreams.
In a serene environment. Visualize what you want to be. Where things are working out for you?
Spend some time alone, even if it's just a few minutes and picture yourself as you want to be. All that you want to do. The things you want to achieve. Imagine yourself achieving them. Imagine yourself in that position you want to be.
Do you want to be a great mum, with just two handsome boys, living comfortably, peacefully and able to have what you want? Then visualize it.
Imagine yourself doing those things. Exactly the way you want it to be. Don't allow any distractions or obstacles. Don't think of the possibility just yet. Allow yourself to get lost in your imagination so that no other thought will creep in.
If you sit down to think deeply you will realize that whatever that's happening in your life, is a product of your mind.
Why will you believe that you're beautiful even when someone says you're ugly? It is your mind.
What made you believe you're not smart even when everyone says you are?
It is your mind. It is YOU!
Except you make up your mind not to commit suicide, nothing anyone will say will make you change your mind.
Advice and encouragement are just a push to your mind. It can only sink if you make up your mind for it to.
Insults and gossip can only weigh you down if your mind allows it.
You're in control of your life.
You can't believe in Christianity if your mind doesn't.
Everything begins in your mind.
Your mind eats what you feed it.
It believes what you want it to believe.
For a change to begin, it must start from your mindset.
You're in control of your happiness and sadness.
You may not believe it. But I have tried this many times and it worked.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where something is supposed to make you cry, but you refuse to cry?
It's not the feeling of numbness I'm talking about. It's clear from the decision you took out of your mind.
Learn to control your mind. Be the master of your mind.
Just like you're putting so much effort in making money, in getting better, in your skin. Put the same effort into nurturing your mind. It can cause your fall or rise.
Your life is determined by your thoughts.
Actions come from within.
When you feed your mind with positivity, it produces the same.
I don't know about you. But these moves work for me.
©Victoria Onubuogu
Bonito plush toys are here to fill your hearts with love and affection.
The idea for Bonito plush toys was born during the alone nights of CEO Victoria at age ten when she needed a form of comfort, something cute and soft to cuddle to lift her mood.
Knowing fully well, how humans feel more comfortable and secure around cuddly companions. Victoria established Bonito plush toys in 2010, to help curb the feeling of loneliness.
Just like Bonito means cute, she committed herself for over thirteen years to offering varieties of cute, plushies to choose from for any special occasion.
Having cuddly companions can help provide a sense of security, and comfort and relieve any negative emotions. That is why Bonito Toys is here to fill in the warmth and comfort kids and adults desire.
Bonito toys offer a wide collection of cute plushies that comes in different colours and designs ranging from:
Stuffed Animals & Teddy Bears
Plush Pillows
Plush Figures
Plush Interactive Toy Figures
Plush Toys & Blanket Sets
Plush Purses.
Likewise, from small and super large plushies, animal plushies, and land and sea plushies.
Whether you're welcoming a baby of your own into the world or looking for a perfect gift to put a massive smile on a loved one face, we're here to meet your required style.
Our mission is to spread smiles to those who came across our Bonito plush toys. And Offer them comfort, support and warmth as friends, couch companions, bedtime buddies and travel teammates.
We want to help you create a memorable experience that you love, a quality product that you love and a place that you will love to come back to.
Our fluffy plush toys are available in every day and seasonal stores and are distributed through major online stores such as Amazon, Walmart, Target and Best buy.
I got a few replies from people when I asked a question on my Facebook wall about depression. Also got messages from a few people showing their concern.
I did not ask that question because I was depressed.
I made the post based on the questions I was getting about depression.
Depression is real, and it's the worst feeling someone can have.
When you talk about depression, I can relate because I have been there and have witnessed some of my friends go through it.
It's a common mood disorder that will negatively affect the way you feel. It can cause you to be sad, lose interest in the things you use to do, lack concentration and have suicidal thoughts.
That feeling of:
???? Emptiness
???? Hopelessness
???? Irritation.
???? Often upset
???? Lack of sleep
???? Forgetfulness
????Loss of appetite and many others.
Depression can come as a result of childhood trauma or abuse, low self-esteem and stagnancy.
It can be a result of the loss of a loved one. Prolonged health, financial instability or confusion.
There are other causes of depression.
To deal with depression, you need to identify what triggers it. Think about it if you have to.
???? Love yourself for who you are. Your difference is what makes you unique. If you learn to use those things you find weird or different positively regardless of what people will say, you will realize a unique part of you, you never know.
I used to hate myself because of how different I am from others, without realizing that it's a great gift.
???? Don't be alone. Mingle with people of positive minds. Have a deep conversation with others. It can help your mood.
???? Smile often. This is very important. Smiling is a powerful tool that will help you overcome depression. Put a smile on your face and the face of others.
???? Take a walk or spend time with nature. You can decide to visit the stream, beach or somewhere cool.
???? Do what you love most. Whatever activity you derive joy in doing, do it. Engaging in activities that you enjoy will help lift your mood.
???? Listen to music. A lot of people confirmed playing music helped them deal with depression.
I will also advise you to mind the kind of music you play. Some music can make you feel more depressed than you are.
???? Render a helping hand to others. Personally, this method helps me a lot. The smile and grateful faces of others when I help them it's enough to make me feel better.
Reach out and help others in their low or difficult moments, it can help lift your mood.
???? Write down how you feel. Writing your thoughts will help you express yourself more freely and confidently without the fear of being judged, ridiculed or laughed at.
???? Eat well and get enough rest. Sleeping can help you deal with depression. Sometimes, you wake up feeling better.
???? Talk to someone. Not just anyone. Speak to a professional about what you're going through.
???? lastly, try something new. Something positive. Do that thing you have been meaning to do for a while now but you're afraid to do it.
Try something new and exciting. Especially something that will aid your personal growth.
???? One more thing. Recall that childhood trauma or abuse. I know you've been trying not to recall what happened. But, if you want to get over it, I think you need to play the event over in your head and promise yourself that it will be the last time you will allow the event to affect you. Cry if you can. It will help you feel better.
This method works for some people.
✍ Victoria loves you.????????
I spent my last days in college at the Village with Grandma. Believe me, what I witnessed was disturbing.
I don't like writing on things like this. But, I'm doing that now.
Pardon me, it's a long read.
I developed a strong passion for the girl child after observing the things happening in most of the Rural areas.
I saw smart, beautiful young girls drop out from school to get married to matured men from the city.
I saw them give up schooling because of a camry car owner from abroad.
I witness mothers, pushing their young daughters to get married. "Makana Oge nwanyi n'aga aga."
Time is not on a woman's side.
I witnessed mothers frustrate their daughters into marriage because of the numerous suitors seeking their hand in marriage. Which they believe may not continue if the girl keeps delaying.
Within a period of one term, four junior students became school dropouts to become Mrs.
Let's not talk about the discrimination towards a matured girl yet to marry.
The maltreatment these girls go through in the hands of their husbands.
Nor the blame they bear for giving birth to one particular gender only or not giving birth at all.
Yet, it's a taboo for them to stay in their fathers house.
Denying them certain positions because they're women.
What about sexual harrasement which has become a norm.
They tag the kind of cloth they wear, as the reason they got raped.
Their achievement, from selling their body.
When they look good, they're trying to impress a man.
They are expected to be reserved and submit to whatever that comes their way.
The lists are endless.
You think this writeup it's about the female gender, don't you?
I had a male friend that was raped by two women.
No! He can't share his story because he is a man and supposed to enjoy it.
I have seen men die not because of the situation they found themselves in. But, because they are men. They're supposed to handle it like a man and not complain or start crying like a woman.
Talk about the female gender who thinks men don't need emotional support.
They should accept every harsh word directed to them from the female gender because they're men.
Each day, I log into my Facebook, it's always about gender war. From groups to pages to personal profile to blogs, even under comment sections.
What are we fighting for?
What is the war about?
Igbo si na, Aka nri kwo aka ekpe, aka ekpe akwo aka nri.
We can do better than this.
It must not always be one sided.
An Igbo adage says,"Eme onye ka emere Ibe ya, Obi adiya mama".
To end all this war.
For better development.
For Peace and Progress.
We need to embrace gender equality.
To have a healthy, peaceful and fruitful living. We need Gender Equality for that.
Just like individuals come with their own uniqueness or gift. Just like we have people in different fields rendering services for those who need it and accepting services from those they need. That's how men and women need each other.
To be able to express ourselves, our skills, our dreams, our preferences, without gender limiting us.
One time, I participated in an online writing competition which involved writing and creating Videos.
I was afraid of the Video aspect because I have not done it before. I don't like the camera. I always shy away from anything that will get me close to it, more reason why it was difficult for me to do the video challenge.
After a series of doubts, I summoned the courage to do the video. I shot fifteen videos before I could come up with the one I used for the contest.
Yes! My first video was nothing to write home about. It was a mess. The first video is a big turn-off for anyone that cares to watch it.
I couldn't make a single error-free sentence.
I was discouraged from posting it.
I felt like giving up entirely. Until I discovered something.
❗Be patient and read to the end.
Here are my observations.
•The more videos I do, the more confident I become.
The more videos I shoot, the easier it becomes for me.
I discovered the area I need to improve.
The reason why I'm not getting it right.
The changes I need to make.
These things helped me to do better in the next one.
What happens when we give up after failing?
For you to learn from failure, you'll first learn not to give up.
You won't gain anything by your refusal to try again.
But there's a probability you may win from another trial.
Failure allows us to bounce back better.
It can be scary to fail. But it builds you. It gives you a deep understanding of your expectations.
Are you afraid to fail?
What's stopping you from achieving those long life Goals?
Is it the fear of failure?
Here are tips that help me overcome the fear of failure anytime I want to get something done.
•Think of what you stand to gain.
What will you gain from participating in that writing competition?
What will you gain from trying this Video challenge?
Apart from the offer that comes with winning, will it contribute to my personal growth?
•Think of what you stand to lose.
You won't gain anything if you refuse to try.
But you will gain a whole lot when you give it a try.
The experience that comes with being involved.
The knowledge you will gain.
The lessons are there for your personal growth.
• Be positive. Surround yourself with positive people. People who motivate and inspire you to do more.
Surrounding yourself with people that share the same passion as you, will fuel you to do better.
To do more, to fall in love with what you love and do it consistently.
It will push you and bring out creativity in you.
When you surround yourself with people that don't see sense in what you do. People who don't value what you do. It will make you doubt your passion. It will limit you. And it will kill your enthusiasm.
• Plan to fail. You will not always get it right. Accept the fact that you may fail.
Don't be afraid to fail now.
You should make those mistakes now that you're still on a journey then make them when you arrive.
If you refuse to take action because you're afraid to fail. You will continue to be where you are.
You won't improve.
You won't learn.
You end up losing.
You end up failing because you refused to pick up the courage to face your fears.
Always remember, For you to learn from failure, you must first learn not to give up when you fail.
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