PaGidi on TVC Wake Up Nigeria: A Writer's Journey
In this riveting interview, PaGidi takes the spotlight on TVC Wake Up Nigeria to delve into the pages of his powerful book, 'Dearest Suicide.' With poignant insights, he uncovers the often-unspoken battles of depression, mental health challenges, and the profound impact of suicide. Watch the full video to gain a deeper understanding of the thoughts and emotions of someone who has battled with suicidal tendencies.
DEAREST SUICIDE BOOK 5: KARMA is a BITCH! [The Final Curtain.]
After five years of fighting his demons, everything is put
on the line in an epic finale filled with love, hurt, sex, heartbreak,
betrayal, and a thirst for vengeance. With one last act left and PaGidi’s fate hanging in the balance, secrets are revealed and fences are torn as he is now forced to confront his deepest fears. As all actions have unforeseen consequences, KARMA is a BITCH!, and past sins come hunting everyone down their throat.
Full of heart-pounding action, heart-stopping moments, intricate plot twists, and unforgettable revelations, this final book in the series will leave readers on the edge of their seats as they follow this emotionally charged story down to
its very last page. Surely, there is a death. Who dies? Who survives? And at
what cost? Find out inside. Never has there
been any book on Suicide beautifully written like this.
PaGidi Expressions Live at LTV (Lagos Television) Breakfast Show
This is an eye-opening conversation that sheds light on the complexities of mental health. Don't miss out - click to watch now!
Have you read Dearest Suicide TODAY?
Ever picked up a book where the writer talks about suicide,
and goes on to speak in support of it? Well, welcome of Oklahoma. Dearest Suicide is a coming-of-age, controversial, and evergreen book that covers different areas of the average human life from relationship, to sex, academics, religion, emotions, and breakups. VISIT for more.
Alternatively, you can pay the specific sum directly into 1025310019 UBA PAGIDI EXPRESSIONS via Mobile App bank transfer or USSD bank transfer to get the full copy. Don’t forget to add “Dearest Suicide” and the "Book Part" in your transfer description. After payment, send proof of payment for confirmation via WhatsApp to +2349136261020
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