More about me.....
I am an experienced leader, passionate about innovation and development in the digital sphere, and
the use of digital tools to create solutions that effectively communicate with the consumer.
Digital is the platform in which I am specialised to connect brands with people. My strengths lie in
my ability to build digitally led and data driven strategy, understand a target audience’s digital
preference, and concisely communicate with this audience through various digital platforms.
I thrive in challenging environments that offer both leadership and problem solving.
My latest project >> The HOSTAFRICAn
Podcast to provide a platform to entrepreneurs in Africa
My recent conference attendance: AfricaTech festival
On the 11 November I had the pleasure to attend the #Africatechfestival in Cape Town at the ICC. The event was well attended, and was great to see all businesses attending from startups in Africa, to blue chip companies from far and wide. I enjoyed meeting fellow competitors in the industry, as well as getting to meet some of our clients at HOSTAFRICA. If you want to read more about the event please check out our HOSTAFRICA LinkedIn page: